The Siege of Boston had a significant impact on the American Revolution War. This long period of resistance by the American colonies showed their strength and willingness to fight for what they believed in. During April 1775 while the battles were being fought at Lexington, Concord, and Boston, the colonial army, led General William Heath, was closing on the outer outskirts. The number of insurgents increased after the command had been passed to Artemas.

General Thomas Gage led the British army. Once he saw the colonial troops outside Charlestown, Gage ordered the army to retreat. This agreement was harmonious as long as there were no civilians in the way. This agreement was described in “After the Siege”: A social history of Boston 1775-1800: “At a meeting held on April 22, between Gage’s officials and those of the town, both parties agreed that women and their children, along with all of their belongings, should be able to travel without any danger, while male residents would be allowed to leave if they swore not to take up arms and fight against the King and his troops. General Gage promised to protect civilians who wished to remain. A town meeting was held the next morning, and the citizens agreed on the terms …”[1]

Boston Neck and Charlestown were under American control, but the Americans were unable blockade Boston Harbor. It was decided that the American Navy would not be mentioned at this stage of the conflict. New Hampshire’s, Connecticut’s and Rhode Island’s militias joined the Massachusetts militias. Both armies had been strengthening their fighting capabilities and defense systems for over a month.

Admiral Samuel Graves’ fleet, which was based in Boston Harbor, provided the only supply for the British army. A British warship arrived on May 25, 1775 with 6000 soldiers and Major General William Howe. By June of 1775, British troops, with enough reinforcements, planned to take advantage of a weakening colonial defense by setting up occupation establishments on Bunker Heights and Dorchester Hills. Hearing about the British plans for Bunker Hill, General Artemas Ward sent Colonel William Prescott in to build a fortified Bunker Hill. This was done to disarray European operations.

According to Battle of Bunker Hill’s book, the building earth fortifications took place on 16/17th of June 1775.

The future battle was shaped by the debate about the construction. Breeds Hill was chosen because it was closer to Boston but in a less advantageous area. Bunker Hill only had minor earthworks completed. The British troops were surprised to see the new fortifications during the dawn of June 17. HMS Lively of the Royal Navy, a post-ship in the Royal Navy, opened fire on the redoubt. This was followed by more than 100 cannons and artillery from warships and other ships. British troops were ready to launch an attack on Charlestown late in the afternoon. The British, despite having repelled the first and second attacks, were able, in the third and final attack, to force the colonial army into retreating back into Cambridge. The attack did not end in total victory, as the British suffered a heavy loss and the colonialists gained confidence. The siege of Bunker was in a state of gridlock after the Battle Bunker. There were few insurgents. In an attempt to prevent a major conflict between both sides, the Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to London. In September, King George III rejected the petition.

George Washington was a key figure in the American Revolution War. Washington was appointed Commander-in Chief of the Continental Army after attending the Continental Congress at Philadelphia. He then headed to Boston. Washington was given the order to build an army that could face down the British. Washington, despite being away from his wife for so long, wrote that he would not feel any pain. […] The unhappiness I feel will come from the anxiety you’ll experience being alone.

George Washington arrived at Cambridge on the 2nd of July. New England’s Middle Colonies arrived in Virginia, as did reinforcements from New England. Some of these were armed Kentucky or Pennsylvania Rifles.

[1] Cf. :




  • owenbarrett

    I'm Owen Barrett, a 31-year-old educational blogger and traveler. I enjoy writing about the places I've visited and sharing educational content about travel and culture. When I'm not writing or traveling, I like spending time with my family and friends.