Your student loans are also assigned a number, just like any other account. This number may seem irrelevant, but there are situations when it is necessary to have this number to get more information. You don't know where to find it? Do not worry. Check out the location and reasons you'd need to use it.

What is the account number for your student loans?

Find out how to find your account number.

  • Billing statement for the month

Your student loan statement is a monthly statement, just like any other loan. In most cases, your monthly billing statement contains all of your personal information except for your Social Security Number. Account numbers are located on top of the statement pages. You will find this information on an electronic bill if your billing is paperless.

  • Send an electronic message

Be sure to check your email for a notification of your loan approval. After you have applied for a loan and been approved, an email should be sent to you along with a letter. This email will also include your account information. You may also receive your electronic billing statement via email if you have opted in for this service. The billing statements will include your account information, as shown above. Keep this email saved or pinned when you sign up for a loan.

  • Online portal

Your account information is also available online. To find your student account number, for example, check the Federal Student Aid website if your federal loans are through that portal. Imagine you have a personal loan from a lender such as a consolidation company or bank. You can find the account number on their website. It could appear in a less obvious form, like an electronic bill, depending on your loan type — federal or private.

  • Contact customer support

Customer service is available at all companies. To get account information, contact customer support. Your account will be protected if they ask for your date-of-birth and Social Security numbers. You should easily be able to locate the customer service number online or on any paperwork.

  • Contact the financial aid office at your school

Financial aid offices at schools have a wealth of information on your loans. To find your account, call your school's office of financial aid or visit it. You will also be required to verify your identity here. Your student ID is required if you're in-person. What if you're calling? You should have your student identification number at hand. Other identifying details may also be requested.

What is a Student Loan Account Number?

The number you receive for your student loan is unique and has 10 digits. Imagine it as your account number at your loan provider. Once the loan has been approved and distributed, your student account number will be generated. You may have several loans from both private and federal lenders. You will most likely have several account numbers in this case. These numbers will tell you all about your loan.

  • Types of loans

Are you a direct or indirect borrower? Are you still trying to find out? If you have federal loans, your federal student-loan account number can help you find the type of loan that is right for you. These details can be found easily if your loans are private.

  • Rest of balance

Your account number is required to determine how much of your loan remains. You need to know your progress in paying back a loan. Consolidating your debts will require you to also know the amount you owe.

  • Payment information

Account numbers are used to access most other payment-related information. You can use your account number to find out your last payment and your total payments. The account number links your entire account and payment history.

There is a lot of information

No wonder you're trying to find your student loan number. It is associated with a great deal of information. Numerous ways exist to find your student loan account number. It should be possible to find it online, via phone, or even in person.

Prepare any additional identifying details, such your date or birth, your ID, and your Social Security Number, before contacting the loan provider. If you've found your loan number, be sure to store it safely and in an accessible place.

What are some frequently asked questions?

What is the best way to view my student loan?

You can access your account by logging on to the website of the provider and entering your login information. You can get the information you need by contacting them directly.

How many numbers are there in the number of a student loans account?

Your account number for student loans is made up of 10 digits.

How can you tell who is your lender?

Call Federal Student Aid to get your lender's information or check your account. If you haven't taken out federal loans yet, this information will be in your account.


  • owenbarrett

    I'm Owen Barrett, a 31-year-old educational blogger and traveler. I enjoy writing about the places I've visited and sharing educational content about travel and culture. When I'm not writing or traveling, I like spending time with my family and friends.