Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

Category: Unorthodox Education Updates

David Potter Obituary

David Potter, a dear friend and former colleague, passed away at the age of 88. He was a member of the pioneering group of academics who came together to establish the Open University. In 1970, David joined the OU when …

Dating In A Foreign Language – An Illustrated Guide

Are you currently engaged in a romantic relationship with someone who speaks a different language? While it can be a fantastic opportunity for cultural and linguistic exchange, it can also present challenges. Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day, Saint Valentin or …

Elizabeth Varughese Obituary

Elizabeth Varughese, my mother, passed away at the age of 73, and was a well-respected English and fine art teacher. People fondly called her ‘Prema,’ a name which translates to ‘love and affection,’ as her love permeated through everything she …

Joint Honours Degrees – Twice As Nice Or A Timetabling Nightmare?

As a highly indecisive person, selecting a university course was a difficult decision, especially when faced with choosing between two subjects I loved. Fortunately, joint honours degrees provide the opportunity to study two subjects simultaneously.

The popularity of joint honours …

The Student Experience — Then And Now

Those nostalgic for their university days may recall the simplicity of shared showers, rundown rentals, and parties that always ran out of booze before midnight. Back then, being a student was a privilege, with local authorities and the government footing …

Reading University In Crisis Amid Questions Over £121m Land Sales

The University of Reading is currently facing a financial and governance crisis as it reported itself to regulators over a loan of £121m. The university is conducting an internal investigation to determine whether it unfairly benefited from the sale of …

Paul Hyams Obituary

Paul Hyams, my late husband, was a distinguished professor of medieval history who made significant contributions to his field including authoring two books on medieval England. He began his career at Oxford University and later went on to join Cornell …

English Baccalaureate ‘creates Problems For Motivation And Behaviour’

A survey of schools funded by the National Union of Teachers has found that the government’s English baccalaureate (EBacc) is hindering students, forcing them take subjects they do not enjoy and affecting their motivation and behaviour as a result. Researchers …

Universities Abroad Headhunting 95% Of UCL’s Top EU Researchers, Provost Says

UK universities have been warned that European universities are on a mission to recruit their top researchers, as concerns grow amongst European academics over their post-Brexit rights. Michael Arthur, the head of University College London, has stated that a startling …

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